How to Easily and Effectively Remove Chewing Gum from Carpets

Chewing gum can be a real nuisance when it gets stuck in carpets and upholstery. Learn how to easily and effectively remove chewing gum from carpets with these expert tips.

How to Easily and Effectively Remove Chewing Gum from Carpets

Chewing gum can be a real nuisance when it gets stuck in carpets and upholstery, but there are several methods you can use to remove it. The first step is to use a Goo Gone Wipe. Gently wipe the area with the wipe to pick up any loose gum. The juice from the wipe will help to break down the adhesive on the gum, but it may take some time for older gums.

The next method involves using extreme heat. Turn on a hair dryer and set it to the highest temperature. Aim it directly at the gum, keeping it a few inches away, and wait until the hardened residue starts to melt. Then, use a scraping tool, paper towel, or plastic bag to scrape away the weakened gum.

Isopropyl alcohol is another effective cleaning trick for everyday stains, and some people have found it to be successful in removing chewing gum from carpets. You can also try using WD40 in an emergency situation to remove coffee or tea stains from carpets. Frozen chewing gum is easier to remove as the process causes the molecules to contract and loosen their grip on the carpet fibers. If you've had difficulty removing chewing gum from a rug or carpet in the past, this method may be your best bet.

White vinegar is another great option for removing chewing gum from carpets. Soapy water won't work for this task, so it's best to use a carpet cleaner that's formulated for tough stains like paint. Always turn off the hair dryer before placing it back on the carpet to avoid any further damage. These methods are all effective ways of removing chewing gum from carpets, but they may not always work for every situation. If you're still having trouble getting rid of stubborn chewing gum, you may need to call in a professional carpet cleaner.

Robyn Ramdeo
Robyn Ramdeo

Unapologetic bacon advocate. Freelance twitter evangelist. Beer expert. Infuriatingly humble coffee nerd. Wannabe bacon specialist. Lifelong web expert.

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